Governor Cuomo is unhappy with the current state of plea bargaining in NY. Presently, a motorist (or their attorney) will negotiate a plea bargain, a mutually agreed upon guilty plea to a lesser charge and then the Judge can either accept the plea or refuse it. As long as all three parties are in agreement, there are no plea bargain restrictions as we speak.
Governor Cuomo wants to change that. His reasoning is that New York drivers get off too easy.
Between court fines/surcharges, insurance surcharges and driver assessment fees, motorist are punished enough and to add more restrictions would be to unfairly burden the motoring public.
What Governor Cuomo is proposing is the following: if your alleged speed is higher than 20 mph over the limit, a motorist would not be able to plea to a no point violation , they must take a violation that includes points. The Governor also wants to tack on a surcharge to VTL 1201A-a very common no point parking ticket plea which currently dictates that all the fine money ($50-$150) go to the town/village/city and not Albany, so that the surcharge will go to Albany.
NY drivers face enough hardships as it is. This is just another way to take money out of our pockets! This legislation will increase the amount of money Albany gets from traffic violations and the amount your insurance company sees, (it should be noted, points are held against a motorist 18 months from the violation date, but convictions stay on your driving record for 4 years from the conviction date and your driving record is what your insurance company uses to surcharge you).
This is a classic case of revenue raising . If you could be affected by these new guidelines you should call/write your local assemblyman and fight this proposed legislation.
As an aside, there is no plea bargaining in Traffic Violation Bureau in the five boroughs, this would affect all other areas of NY State and not NYC.
Cuomo wants fewer plea bargains and higher fees for speeding tickets
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About the Author rel+authur”>Harold Dee</a>