The Pleasant Valley Speeding Ticket Lawyer advocates at the Harold Dee law firm are available to serve as your criminal defense team for aggressive representation in Pleasant Valley Traffic Courts.
Our Pleasant Valley traffic ticket attorneys are dedicated to protecting your rights to operate a motor vehicle, preserving your driver's license and ensuring that you're driving privileges remain intact.
Call Our Pleasant Valley Speeding Ticket Lawyer professionals to discuss your Pleasant Valley Traffic Court defense strategy.
Pleasant Valley Speeding Ticket lawyer Harold Dee will represent your interests in Pleasant Valley Traffic Courts and Criminal Courts.
Meet the Harold Dee Team of Pleasant Valley Traffic Attorney Professionals That Will Be Representing You:

Harold Dee
Harold Dee, Former NYS/NYC Bronx and Harlem Traffic Court Judge.
A veteran of 25,000 Motor Vehicle and Traffic Violation Hearings, will represent your interests both in Traffic Court and Criminal Court.

Immigration & Visa Law
DWI and Traffic Law
Harold Dee, Traffic and DWI Defense Attorney, gained the knowledge and ability to protect you while sitting as a Traffic Court Judge in Manhattan and the Bronx.

Immigration & Visa Law
DWI and Traffic Law
As you can tell, the family is very important to Mr. Dee, therefore we always seek to do what’s in the best interest of you and your family. Many of our clients have used our services for over thirty years and continue to recommend our office to their family and friends. Please visit the Testimonials page to see what our clients are saying about us.
Pleasant Valley Traffic Ticket Lawyer Specialities
Harold Dee can represent you in court to fight the charges against you. Harold Dee will represent your interests both in Pleasant Valley Traffic Court and Criminal Courts. In addition to moving violations and driving while intoxicated we represent motorists charged with traffic related crimes such as:
- Driving with a suspended license
- Driving with a revoked license
- Operating a vehicle with a suspended registration
- Driving without insurance
- Reckless driving
- Speed contest
- Hit and Run
- Speeding
- Reckless Driving
- Illegal Lane Changes
- Careless Driving
- Texting
- Improper Driving
- Driving Without Due Care And Attention
- Driving Too Fast For Conditions
- Passing An Emergency Vehicle
- Passing A School Bus
- Passing On The Crest Of A Hill
- Passing On A Railroad Crossing
- Passing Two Vehicles Abreast
- Failing To Give A Proper Signal
- Faulty Brakes
- Improper Control
- Reckless Driving In Parking Lots
- Reckless Driving With An Obstructed View
- Driving Under The Influence Of Alcohol Or Drugs
- Driving On Suspended License
- Driving While License Suspended Or Revoked
- Refusing A Breath Test
- Refusing A Breathalyzer
- Failure To Stop At The Scene Of A Crash
- Hit And Run
- Operating Unsafe Vehicle
- Attempting To Flee Or Allude Police
- Blocking Access To Service Facility
- Driving After Being Declared A Habitual Offender
Free Consultation Pleasant Valley Traffic Ticket Lawyer
The Pleasant Valley Speeding Ticket Lawyer professionals provide clients aggressive Pleasant Valley Traffic Court representation at affordable fees. We are a Pleasant Valley traffic defense law firm dedicated to protecting your driving rights in Pleasant Valley and ensuring fair treatment under the traffic court laws in Pleasant Valley.
Pleasant Valley Traffic Ticket Lawyer Harold Dee
As a Former New York State Traffic Court Judge, Harold Dee is a veteran of 25,000 motor vehicle and traffic violation hearings.
Pleasant Valley Speeding Ticket lawyer Harold Dee will represent your interests in Pleasant Valley Traffic Courts and Criminal Courts.
Mr. Dee a Pleasant Valley Traffic Ticket Defense Attorney, has the necessary knowledge and experience, needed in order to properly protect your rights to operate cars, trucks, motor vehicles in the States of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. Pleasant Valley speeding ticket lawyer Harold Dee has 25 years of experience representing thousands of Pleasant Valley drivers in traffic court discussions, conferences and plea bargains with city, town, and village prosecutors, & district attorneys in traffic court.
Free Consultation With Pleasant Valley Speeding Ticket Lawyer Harold Dee
Harold Dee is a trustworthy, tenacious and affordable Pleasant Valley traffic lawyer. Harold Dee will appear on your behalf in Pleasant Valley Traffic Courts fighting for your rights to operate a motor vehicle in New York State, as well as courts in Connecticut and New Jersey.
Pleasant Valley traffic courts normally allow speeding ticket attorneys to represent defendants with written authorization from the client. Pleasant Valley Criminal Court hearings normally require the defendant's appearance. However, under certain circumstances, we have been successful in having our clients avoid appearing in Pleasant Valley Traffic Courts.