The following charges are Crimes under the NYS Vehicle and Traffic Law:
- DWI – Driving While Intoxicated
- AUO – Aggravated Unlicensed Operation (Driving while privileges are suspended)
- Speed Contest – Taking part in a street race
- Reckless Driving – Operating in a manner which unreasonably endangers users of the highway
- Operating a vehicle with a suspended registration
- Leaving the Scene of a motor vehicle accident with physical injuries
- Criminally Negligent Homicide
- Manslaughter in the 2nd degree
- Vehicular manslaughter
- Vehicular Assault
- False Statements on any DMV application
- Substituting another to take any DMV test or answer any questionnaire
- Altering a license or registration
Elsewhere in this site the revocation implications of suffering three speeding and or misdemeanor convictions for offenses issued within the same eighteen month period were discussed. The above lists the subject misdemeanor offenses.
Simply stated if you are stopped for speeding while operating a vehicle with a suspended registration, you have put yourself two thirds of the way towards earning a six month revocation.
Call us for a FREE Consultation 1- 800-Harold Dee (800.427.6533) or call local (914.241.7963)